Dishonored Series – Is Emily Kaldwin Really Corvo’s Daughter?


From the very beginning of the game, Emily Kaldwin refers to Corvo Attano as "father", while Corvo refers to her as "Majesty", "Princess", and "my daughter".

From the first Dishonored, it is revealed that Corvo and Emily's mother — the late Empress — had a relationship that was much closer than that of an Empress and her Royal Protector, implying that they were lovers. However, I don't remember seeing any allusions that Emily was in fact Corvo's daughter.

What is the relationship between Corvo and Emily, really? Did Corvo adopt Emily after she had lost her mother? Or are they actually related by blood?

Best Answer

It was hinted in the first game, such as if you play on low chaos Emily draws a picture of Corvo with the word daddy. Corvo had a large drive to rescue her and there is also a few other notes, like in the lord regents mission there is an audio file which hints to this. In all yes, Emily is Corvo's biological daughter

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