Is it normal to be underleveled in NG+


In New Game Plus, the Hossean Wastes are rated levels 63-64. When you're done with that you can do the dungeon, the Forsaken Vaults, rated levels 64-66. I've just completed this area and I'm level 66 myself, without having skipped any (obvious) sidequest. Things seem going just as pllanned, right?

Well, the next area in the plot is the Empty Quarter – level 68. This is the first time in the game I find myself underleveled for what needs to happen next. The Empty Quarter is actually a very short area, leading to The Undercurrents (level 68-69) for a sidequest or the Salt Barrens (level 68-69) for the main plot.

Am I "supposed" to do some mapworking before I head into the new area underleveled? Am I maybe missing something obvious here? Or should I just start to getting used to being underleveled as I go forward?

Best Answer

I think this might be a by-product of the randomness of the generated maps. Last night, I reached the Empty Quarter with my first hardcore character (playing on Normal difficulty), and found myself about 2 levels under what was recommended. I know for certain that I explored every area of each prior map, that I completed all side quests, and that I killed all discovered enemies.

My guess is that the maps that were generated for my character either (a) covered less area, resulting in fewer enemies, or (b) had fewer enemies spawn altogether. I've played through the game with 6 or 7 other characters, and have always either been right at the suggested level, or a level or two higher than suggested. Being a level or two lower seems like a good balance to that randomness.

I should also mention that eventually (at NG+3), the world stacks against you from the get-go. In NG+3, monsters start at level 100 (which happens to be the player's level cap), and get stronger as you go on. I have yet to make it that far (I find that rolling new characters is just too much fun).