Is it possible to access this room in Hateno Village


This house in Hateno Village:


has a visible niche on the left with a couple of little windows, but inside the house there is no visible access to it. Also, inside the house there is a mezzanine which works as the upper floor, but the corresponding ground floor part is inaccessible.

Notice that:

I know this house can be bought and furnished, but doing so does not (apparently) change the accessibility of these spaces.

Is there any way to access these parts of the house or at least see if there's anything inside them?

Best Answer

Although there is not a definitive answer from a Nintendo dev (which is probably the only way to get definitive proof), there has been a plethora of other players asking this question, and the consensus is no, it is not possible to enter this room, or any of the other small "outhouses" attached to buildings that don't have interactable doors/openings.

Here are a few conversations from other players confirming this theory...

  1. From BOTW Reddit:

If you pay attention you will see that there is a few rooms like that one in the village and none opens. I guess its just cosmetic, at least for now. Maybe they had to cut down rooms because the Wii U couldnt handle so much stuff in the village.

I believe they're outhouses. Of all the things Nintendo had to put in the game, I think they decided to skimp a bit in certain areas.

  1. From a GameFAQs thread, which also confirmed lack of entry.

  2. From another GameFAQs thread, where multiple players explicitly indicate the lack of ability to enter "Link's shack":

There's also a "storage shed" kind of addition on the back of the house - WITH A DOOR - that you can't open and get into ...