Is it possible to acquire level 4 limit without having level 3


In Final Fantasy VII, is it possible to get Lvl. 4 limit breaks without unlocking the lower levels?

Best Answer

Yes and No you can unlock level 4 without fully unlocking all your limit breaks. For most characters (with the exception of Vincent and Cait Sith) there are 7 limit breaks. The first level in levels 1 to 3 are unlocked by how many enemies you have killed with that character.

For example take a look at Clouds table to gain limits from GameFaqs

Cloud Strife

Limit 1/1: Braver         | Used 8 times to learn Limit 1/2: CrossSlash

Limit 1/2: CrossSlash    | 120 kills made to learn Limit 2/1: Blade Beam

Limit 2/1: Blade Beam     | Used 7 times to learn Limit 2/2: Climhazzard

Limit 2/2: Climhazzard    | 200 kills made to learn Limit 3/1: Meteorain

Limit 3/1: Meteorain      | Used 6 times to learn Limit 3/2: Finishing Touch

Limit 3/2: Finishing Touch| Omnislash manual used to teach Limit 4/1: Omnislash

Limit 4/1: Omnislash      | All limits learned.

If you have 120 kills you will learn Limit 2/1, without ever using your limit break with cloud you will unlock level 1/2. If once again you make 200 kills with Cloud with out ever using 2/1 you will unlock 3/1. Now to learn Level 4/1 you would need to get 3/2, but it is possible to never learn 1/2 or 2/2 limit breaks.