Is it possible to adjust your walk speed


When I'm sneaking around, I can move more slowly and quietly by holding shift.

But walking this way is really slow. I would like to move a little bit faster, but not full speed.

On a console I imagine you have much finer control over how fast you move with the joysticks. Is there any way to accomplish this on the PC (without an external joystick)?

Perhaps there is a console command or config file setting that will change the % speed modifier that holding down shift uses?

Best Answer

You can change your base speed using the console, which you can open using the ~ key (or whatever key is to the left of the number strip at the top of your keyboard).

Type player.setav speedmult x where x is the number you want for your walking speed; the default is 100.

You can either increase or decrease this number. Increasing it higher will result in super fast running which man ruin the reality of the game.

I'd recommend player.setav speedmult 125.

In my opinion the default running is way too fast, and the default walking is too slow. While holding Alt to sprint is perfect. The only other way I know to edit these values is to open the core files, like XML with a text editor, but I won't go into that much detail here. You should be able to Google it.