Is it possible to do 3,000 backstab or riposte damage


Is it possible to inflict 3,000 damage or above in dark souls 2 pvp or pve?
If so, under what conditions? Buffs, stats, weapon, rings.

Best Answer

Unfotunately, I have not experienced it myself, but just to help you theorize:

In NG++ with a fire-buffed Greatsword + 10 ( 65 strength and 37 dex ) I'm able to deal about 2300 damage with a backstab. Keep in mind that:

  • There might be a stronger ultra greatsword, wich will result in more damage
  • The only damage ring I wear is ring of blades + 2
  • I buffed it with pyromancy wich is not that strong after all
  • It has no enchantments on it, you might be able to buff it with raw power or Mundane to get more damage out of it

That being said, I think I might be able to get to a decent 2.4k or maybe even 2.5k damage if buffed properly, after some studies on rings and enchaments.

Now, we all know clerics have some interesting stuff:

  • Sacred Oath, adds 50 damage to self
  • Sunlight blade

Also, there are those new buff items in the first dlc wich increase can increase your stats for a while.


Yes, I think it could be possible. If your build is well made (right armor and rings, like Ring of Blades and Leo Ring), use buffs, and you have high strength to scale with the Greatsword, you might be able to reach 3k.

You obviously need to be high level.

Again, I'm sorry I dont have any proof, And since I'm runinng out of Soul Vessels I don't want to risk it, but I hope this helped you to theorize a little bit.

UPDATE Max damage i've done

Original poster apperently made it, and reached 3.5k damage. Since we dont have any other details about his build or anything, I'll post my experience instead. First, I had to choose a target. If you kill someone with a backstab, the damage display isn't the actual damage done but his life (confirmed). The only enemy suitable for my tests, that popped out in my mind was the Mad Warrior (good excuse to finally farm his set). I'll just make a quick summary:

  • Base damage: 2409
  • Damage with flame weapon: 2667
  • Damage with lighting resin: 2682
  • Old Leo Ring: Useless in backstab (tested). And since I'm not able to parry anything, I gave up on testing the ring. If someone would like to test the Leo Ring I'd be interested to know the damage difference with and without.

STR: 58 Since I'm level 241, I could have added a little more strength to my Greatsword S scaling, but whatever... We can see that there is a big difference between a weapon with and without buffs. Keep in mind that I have no faith or int at all, so lighting and pyromancy damage are greatly reduced.


After this experience, I would say that you can add more damage if:

  • You can counter parry with Old Leo Ring
  • You are a cleric with a lot of strength and a lot of faith, which will increase buff damage and lighting scaling on your weapon