SimCity 2013 – How to Fill Abandoned Buildings


In a new SimCity, sometimes buildings get abandoned, and I wonder if I should destroy and rebuild them, or there is a way to naturally fill them back up. I understand when the building is abandoned due to unchecked fire etc., but sometimes the higher wealth house can get abandoned if I had to cut services to survive hard times, so I do not see this kind of property as so dilapidated people cannot return when the land value goes up again.

enter image description here

Also, I had advisor warn me that simply destroying the building adds to contamination to the soil, which isn’t good either.

Best Answer

An abandoned building will eventually be reacquired if its problems are resolved. You can see why the building was abandoned by clicking on it to bring up information that building.

In many instances this will be a reason like the building having no water or power, there not being enough jobs within commute distance, pollution or backed up sewage, or the building being damaged by fire.

Abandoned buildings will have a negative effect on the land value of nearby buildings, and have an increased chance of catching fire. Keeping abandoned buildings around over the long term will drive down land value for the surrounding area and it is usually recommended that once the building goes 'dark' (visibly darker than the surrounding buildings - like the one in your screenshot) that it has begun to decay and will soon reach a point that it is better to bulldoze that building to prevent it from causing damage to the value of the surrounding buildings.

When you activate the bulldozer tool, all abandoned buildings of any zone type will begin flashing with an orange symbol with a line through it to make them easier to locate.