Is it possible to maintain a max rank with all six syndicates


There are a total of six syndicates currently available to side with in Waframe since the Proxy Wars addition. However, due to their allegiances and conflicts, raising standing with one allied syndicate (via wearing the appropriate sigil) will decrease standing with two other syndicates. By switching what sigils I have equipped around, I can control what standings go up and down per mission.

So, I was curious. is it possible, through micromanaging, to maintain a max standing with all of the six syndicates. I know it's not too difficult to accomplish with three, and a little bit more challenging with four. But, five or six?

Best Answer

Because of the love/hate standing of the syndicate this is not possible. See the following chart

enter image description here

Edit: As you can see three syndicates are neutral to each other. So you can boost standing within those groups freely. Red Veil, New Loka and The Perrin Sequence are neutral to each other. Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda are the other group.