Is it possible to quickscope in CS:GO


In CS 1.6, it was possible to fire accurate shots with the AWP without actually using the scope to sight; this was called quickscoping. It was done by right clicking (opening the scope) and then immediately left clicking to fire. The result was that the game treated your shot as a scoped in shot even though your scope hadn't actually ever appeared, and thus your shot was precise. (Unscoped shots are very erratic.)

I cannot replicate this behavior in CS:GO and did not play CS:Source heavily enough to know if quickscoping functioned there. Does this still ability still exist in CS:GO?

Best Answer

No quickscoping like in 1.6 does not work anymore there are a few things that cause this:

  1. Zooming in/out takes a lot longer it is no longer instant as in 1.6.
  2. If you are moving when zoomed in your accuracy is greatly reduced thus making it impossible to do real quickscopes like in 1.6 seeing you have to stand perfectly still for your shots to go anywhere near your target.

These 2 points make it impossible to quickscope cs 1.6 style.

the quickscoping you can do now is more like quickscoping in call of duty albeit less accurate.

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