Is it possible to run games in Dosbox with a better scaler / filter than the ones available in vanilla dosbox


As many of you probably know, quite a few games on sites like use Dosbox to start games which otherwise would be unplayable, due to their age. The graphics of such games (when played full screen on today's monitors) are abhorrent, of course.

For this reason, Dosbox offers to start the games with hardware acceleration (I use Direct3D), and to use a scaling engine to upscale the game to modern-day resolutions. The problem is that with most of these scaling engines, the picture becomes really small in fullscreen, since even when the picture is enlarged 3x, the resolution is too small. Dosbox offers no workaround for this (either have a very pixelated picture, or a small one).

However, then I saw videos such as this one here, where the author claims to play the game at 1920×1200 (my own resolution), with a scaling engine termed HQ6x. The game looks quite gorgeous (if slightly cartoony).
Problem is, in vanilla Dosbox, the highest scaler you get is HQ3x, and I couldn't find any scalers higher than that to download and easily install into Dosbox

Even after an hour of googling, I turned up empty. Is it possible to download, install and use a better scaling engine than what is available in vanilla dosbox, and if so, how?

Best Answer

I was able to find HQ4x through the magic of the internet archive. Beyond that I see no record of anyone making a higher level of the hq renderer/scaler. Luckily, the downloads still work, and the source code is there even should anyone want to take up the banner and create higher levels of hq.

You could also ask the uploader of those videos for a copy of the hq6x he's using. He may have already put in the work.