Is it possible to set The Secret World to remember and auto-join a Custom Chat channel


I'm playing The Secret World along with a bunch of folks from a community of which I'm a member. We haven't bothered to form a Cabal because we have people playing as part of all three Societies, and because historically, we've tended to use chat channels in most games whenever available. TSW supports custom channels, and we have one and it's great, except for one little problem.

Every time I log in, I need to rejoin the channel.

Is there any way to make this a persistent preference so that I don't need to type /chat join #SeekritClubhouse Password every time I log in? Because that would be awesome and make my life so much easier.

Best Answer

The chat is currently very buggy. The subscription information get lost on relog and on switching zones. This should get fixed soon.

But there may be a way:

  • Create the folder "Scripts" in your The Secret World folder.
  • Create the two files "auto_login" and "auto_teleport" (WITHOUT any extension) with an editor in the Script folder.
  • Add the chat join command into both text files and save the files.

The "auto_login" will get executed on login and "auto_teleport" on zone changes.