Is it possible to toggle ÜberCharge visual effects


Is it possible for me to toggle ÜberCharge visual effects on my end only – so that only I can see the first person effects? or better yet can I bind a key to toggle it on and off?

Note: this is for client-side (my end) only.

Info. on the effects can be found on the official wiki.


-Medic perspective

-Receiver perspective

enter image description here

Best Answer

I still don't know exactly why you want to do this, but just to attempt to clear this up:

You can use the console command addcond 5 to Über yourself. You can use the command removecond 5 to unÜber yourself. These are both cheats commands, so they require sv_cheats to be 1 on the server side.

There is no command to enable or disable only the visual effects. As far as I am aware it is impossible to create a client-side mod that allows you to see the effects when not Übered, as this would require hijacking the rendering code that checks to see whether you are Übered, which seems like it would require ridiculous reverse-engineering and probably might trip VAC.