Is it possible to “try out” guns


I am just starting out and it's expensive to buy guns just to find out that I dislike them. Where can I test weapons in Call of Duty: Black Ops?

Best Answer

No one can say what is the best gun for someone else. It just takes practice with each gun and such. But there is a way to try out guns without having to spend your precious COD points.

Just enter combat training. Make the difficulty "recruit" and setup a game of team deathmatch and 9 enemies against just you. This will give you tons of XP and COD points in combat training. It took me about 2 hours to get to level 25 with this. Once you unlock the gun and have the COD points, just buy it from combat training. Use it and figure out if you like it, then go back to the real game and buy it if you wish. I did this after prestiging once and I regret it. I would've got to first prestige much faster if I had known what guns would work for me and what wouldn't. (same goes for perks and equipment and such)