Is magic resistance common in Skyrim


Haven't played Skyrim in years, but started up a new game with Skyrim SE this week. Playing as a mage, and experiencing very varying degrees of effectiveness…

Sometimes my fire/frost/shock drains the foe in a short time, while other times their health is just trickling down slooowly. Even seem varying within for example the same group of bandits.

Is this a bug, or do foes have such very varying degrees of magic resistance or something?

I play on Expert if that makes a difference. And I've also tried to switch between fire/frost/shock to see if that helps, but the hard ones doesn't seem to care about the difference… or maybe it's just all in my head…?

Best Answer


  • Nords have 50% resistance to frost
  • Bretons have 25% resistance to all magic
  • Dunmers have 50% resistance to fire magic

Sometimes an enemy may be carrying an enchanted piece of armor which can increase the resistances even further (albeit it won't be a drastic change).

Also worth noting that the Skyrim Healthbar shows a percentage, rather than the total volume of health a character has. With that said, higher max HP characters will have their bar drain slower