Is parry available in PvE


I've seen a number of youtube videos explaining how to use parry to initiate ripostes, but I have yet to see anything explaining the basics. Is it just a matter of striking at the right time?

Best Answer

To parry, you need to equip a shield or weapon that has the attack attribute "parry".

enter image description here

Assuming you are using a controller - While equipped, press the L2 shoulder button (shield is in your left hand). Your character will strike the shield to the left (animation depends on shield/weapon equipped).

Now comes the tricky part - To successfully parry, you need time your parry so that it connects with the strike of your enemy (so that you "strike away" the attack). If you were successful, you'll hear a sound and your enemy will slump to the ground. If you attack him while on the ground, you'll do critical damage.

Note: Every shield/weapon has different animations and different keyframes on which it actually detects a successful parry. Some have a bigger window, some have a smaller one. You need to experiment and practice.