Is spadonium listed as a scanned resource


I've jumped through several systems now in the search for spadonium so I can build a science console in my base.

I've scanned each planet in each system, but none had listed spadonium. Does this mean they don't have any? I notice that carbon and titanium and such aren't listed even when they are pretty much present on all planets (I don't think it's a rarity thing, as heridium is also pretty much on all planets, and that is listed on the scanner).

So – is spadonium always listed when present? Do I just need to jump more until I find a system with what I want?

Best Answer

Spadonium is in fact listed when you scan a planet. This is how I found mine.

When you're on a planet, Spadonium will be indicated by a purple blip with a white rectangular block in it after performing a scan.

Here is a screenshot:


Keep on looking!