Is Super Mario Bros. in Nintendo World Championship 1990 the complete game


In the Nintendo World Championship 1990 game, is it possible to completely play through Super Mario Bros?

By this, I mean not collecting 50 coins, but continue playing normally taking warp zones and going through the levels as fast as you can.

Could you eventually reach Bowser in level 8-4 and rescue the princess? Or are there unavoidable coins in the middle which would guarantee that you would get 50 coins before that happened?

Best Answer

The answer is yes, it is possible to finish a complete game
Here is the end screen:

enter image description here

After this the game repeats as in the original Mario Bros, that is, starting from World 1-1, with the goombas replaced by buzzy beatles

We are not allowed to change world with the B button
The score and coin counts reset to 0, but the timer of the game cart continues

enter image description here

Once the timer is up, only the current score in mario is counted as the NWC score

enter image description here