Is the GEP gun still useful late-game


When you reach Hong-Kong, the 20mm HE ammo for assault rifle and dragon tooths start to appear. Is it still reasonable to keep on carrying around the GEP gun? Have I forgotten any specific uses that GEP gun had in late-game?

I have been replaying Deus Ex (again) with mostly melee char (both in skills and augs), and currently am about to leave the Hong-Kong area .

Best Answer

Usually it's just whatever you like to do and whatever is consistent with your skills. For explosives, the 20mm grenades have limited range, while you can basically hit a target a mile away with GEP, as long as you can lock on. Then there's always the ammo issue if you like using one or the other a lot.

But if you got your mind wrapped around the game enough, usually just carrying some form of explosive consistent with the skills you are using is enough.