Is the Guild Tribute Chest a safe storage


I know that The Skyrim manual states:

WARNING! Do not leave things in containers you do not own! They may not be there when you come back for them. Buying a house is one way of own containers.

After the thieves guild quest, and side quests, to become guild master I have a key to the tribute chest so I guess I own it. But that chest resets with tribute

My questions are is it safe to store stuff in the tribute chest? How about the bed chest, which have been empty since I raided them the first day at the thieves guild? What did you expect, I am thief.

The reason I ask is because I have about 30-50k in potions I just made and the members of the guild seem to be the largest source of vendors with coin.

Best Answer

No, it's not safe.
You may be lucky and it'll remain untouched for a while, but you risk losing all its contents anytime.

See here: Where can I safely store my stuff?