Is the Slayer achievement shared when in a team


The game tracks your kills of specific species for the Slayer Achievement, but is this specific to your character?

Do kills made whilst in a team by any team member count towards this achievement? Would just getting a hit on a mob which is then killed by others still count?

I understand this might look like two questions, but it's really an either/or style of question 🙂

Best Answer

It actually looks like three questions to me....

  1. Is the Slayer achievement specific to a character? No, Achievements are not specific to a character, but they are specific to an account (even if a contributing character is deleted, the achievement remains).
  2. Do kills by party members count towards one's achievements? No, they don't. Think about it - it would be ridiculous, because others could power-level you (if you received XP) or at least raise your account achievement points without you having to raise a finger or even having to be in the same area. There would be far too much potential for abuse.
  3. Does a single hit on a foe count towards one's achievements? Yes, even if the majority of damage is done by others, your small contribution counts.