Is there a specific order to follow in No Man’s Sky main story


I have 3 different active main missions:

  • Ghosts in the Machine (from Artemis Path)
  • Atlas Path
  • Space Anomaly

I was trying to complete the first one, then Apollo warned me that following the next step could prevent me to return to my base for a while, like a sort of "point of no return".
Should I focus on other missions before proceeding with Artemis Path?

Best Answer

Here is a neat overview of the mission order, taken from this (unneat) site:

enter image description here
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Take note of the text at the top:

The game will keep switching you between the 3 main missions: Atlas Path, Space Anomaly & Artemis Path. This is by design. When it switches to Atlas, you have done 5 more milestones, and can therefore access another one of the 11 Atlas Interfaces. Do that. When it switches to Space Anomaly, Nads has some Quicksilver for you in exchange for telling Space Anomaly NPCs about what's been happening in the storyline. It'll switch back when you leave the Anomaly or Atlas Interfaces.

So it recommends to first do Atlas Path, then The Space Anomaly, then Ghosts in the Machine.

But here someone replying to someone with the exact same trilemma says the following:

Mix and match. The Space Anomaly mission updates at certain key points during the Artemis path (Ghosts in the Machine is a part of that) where you have to report your findings to Nada and Polo. As you work through those two mission paths and explore you'll aquire Milestones which are needed to unlock the next step(s) of the Atlas path.

Even though this is from two years ago (and the image from September 2023, v. 4.45), it seems the mission structure is built around this interplay.

It seems the only potential Point of no Return is

towards the end of the Atlas Path, with the mission called The Purge, as you end up in a different galaxy, but using portals you can always get back to Euclid to finish other missions.