Is this QR code in Fez useful


There's a QR code in 16-cubes city but it has been blocked by some obstacle.

in-game incomplete image

And I tried to fix the picture to make it clearer but there's still something missing in the top left part.

removed the scaffolding blocking parts of the code

You can clean that up further and replace the missing parts that are unfinished but known:

black-and-white QR code with some missing pixels placed

But it still doesn't scan.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?

Best Answer

The 16-cube area is the ancient version of the temple/science warp zone. That QR code was under construction long ago, but it now appears "fully realized" on the same wall in the temple/science warp zone. So it can be completed—indeed, it has been.

QR code from temple/science warp zone

If you're curious, the QR code links to...

text: "RT RT LT RT LT LT LT RT" (which triggers an anticube, as shown above)

This is a higher resolution of the screenshot, from the PC gersion of the game: Complete QR code on a screenshot

I have then extracted the QR code, converted it to black and white, removed Gomez and some dust, and applied a median filter. This is the complete QR code, which you can scan on a website.

Complete QR code extracted