Kerbal Space Program saved game not showing up in File Explorer


So I have a problem. I want to copy some of my crafts from one save to another. However, I can't seem to find the save in File Explorer. The save shows up in the game itself, but not in file explorer. Same thing with "parts", there is nothing in it, but all the parts show up in the game. There are only 3 things right now in the "save" directory in KSP_win64, which are default, training, and scenarios. default is indeed one of my saves, yet it's my career mode save with nothing in it, because I don't play career mode. I play most in my sandbox save, called "BOB", yet I can't find it anywhere in the KSP directory. Any idea where to find your saved games in File Explorer?

NOTE: I DON'T have the steam version; I have the version from the KSP website.


Best Answer

If you want to find your craft from your game, you will have to go to your Kerbal Space Program folder. Inside it you will see 2 folders, click the one that is called Kerbal Space Program. enter image description here

Once you open the folder you will find more folders, click the ships folder. enter image description here

Once you open that folder there will be an SPH and VAB folder, inside those folders are your crafts.