“Kill the guards at the roadblock before they discover Bartolomeo’s soldiers” – I get desynchronized


I'm at a point in the story where I'm with some 50 mercenaries disguised as French soldiers. My objective is the text in the title, and 3 targets are marked on my map as "targets". By that I mean they have a red bullseye icon on them. I'm given 20 seconds.

The problem is; the second I kill one of them, I'm desynchronized! It makes no sense! I'm told to go kill them, and I lose if I do. I'm not exactly given much time to ponder on the situation either. I'm on my sixth attempt now. Every time I fail I have to walk for like 2 minutes to get to the point I failed.

Any thoughts?

Edit. I've even tried to run ahead and poison all the targets way ahead of when I'm given the objective. They don't even have the courtesy of dying before the objective timer has run out and I'm desynchronized. THIS OBJECTIVE IS IMPOSSIBLE

And also, I've lost count of the number of times I've retried this objective now. It's over 20 times.

Best Answer

I also found this one a bit annoying.

If I remember correctly you cannot let any of the three guards - or any other guards - see you attacking, or any of the bodies, before you succeed. In otherwords, you must not raise any sort of alarm during this sequence and have to kill stealthily.

Run ahead as much as you can (you don't have to wait for the timer to start!) and start by taking out the guard on the roof - otherwise he will spot you attacking the others - then pick off the guard to the side. Finally, attack the guard who confronts the mercenaries.

So, if I remember correctly, the plan of attack is:

  • Climb up and remove the roof guard.

  • Move over to near the confronting guard.

  • Shoot the stray guard with the crossbow, then immediately assassinate the confronting guard.