Kingdom Come Deliverance: Hidden Perks


So I have heard there are hidden perks you can unlock. Such as one where your strength is increased if you have been gathering herbs. I wonder are there more perks hidden behind certain activities?

A list of hidden perks (and preferably how to acquire them) would be appreciated.

EDIT: To clarify I mean perks that are not known, and once unlocked are shown within the Buffs section of the player menu.

Best Answer

As stated in comments already (but not as answers), these are hidden perks :

  1. Gathering 100 nettles will give you "Resistance", granting you a permanent +2 to Vitality
  2. Killing several dozens of Cumans will give you the "Cuman Slayer" perk, granting you a +50% bonus to moral damage versus Cumans (i.e. they are more likely to flee/surrender)
  3. Perfect Block/Master Strikes are taught by Captain Bernard at Rattay. You cannot get them in any other (normal) way.
  4. Having sex with a bath wench (ask a bathhouse propritary)/Theresa/Lady Stephany/after partying with Father Godwin (one quest for each of them, with sex at the end) will give you the "Alpha Male" buff, granting you a temporary +2 to Charisma for 24 or 48h.