Known table or calculation of the ranking system


With Counter-Strike: Global Offensive a build-in matchmaking system has been introduced. From now on you can have a rank that displays your skill level.

The more matches you win, the better your ranking will be. If you lose, you will lose some levels of your rank.

But there are exceptions: It is als possible that you are ranked-down if you win a match but your score has been aweful. So how do they calculate the rank?

On the interwebs and ingame you can get several answers:

  • If you win three matches in a row, you rank up and vice-versa.
  • At the end of the match your score if being compared to the average of your team and the enemies' one.
  • Those gold stars you may get at the end of a round do or do not have an impact on that ranking.

I also heard that you can get ranked down after being vote-kicked from a server. So what of these are true; or is it something completely different?

How does CS:GO calculate your rank after one match?

And how does a vote-kick influence this?

Best Answer

It's a custom Valve's variation of the Elo Ranking System and no official documentation has been released.