Lag is ruining KSP – any ways to improve performance


I've been to the Mun countless times and at one point had 3 bases, 6 landers, and 8 rovers operating there. I've sucked all of the science points out of Kerbin, the Mun and Minmus. I got rid of all but one base and now the remaining base has 8 kerbals working there, 5 of the 8 rovers are there, along with 2 landers, refueling tanks and spare parts. I'm getting a maximum of 7 FPS, so nothing more can be added and still have the game be playable.

I have a big space station orbiting Kerbin with 14 kerbals living there and an even lower frame rate (3 FPS!), and all of it's science instruments are now useless trash.

Keep in mind that I have a decent PC with a 3.03 GHZ I7 processor, nVidia 470 1 GB video card, 6 TB of storage and 24 GB of RAM (I know, KSP can only use 4 GB). If the 64-bit version weren't so unplayably buggy, performance may increase enough to hold my interest a bit longer.

If the lag wasn't so bad with the high parts count at my base and space station I would just expand them and create some awesome rocket factory in space for the fun of it.

Of course, considering that lag is so bad that docking to my space station is 100 times harder than it was, and landing at my Mun base is nearly impossible now, Building upon them is out of the question. Not to mention the bugs. It seems the only time I need to use quicksave now is to defeat buggy performance.

So anyway my question is this: Lag, rather than gameplay is ruining the game for me. Is there anything I can do to reduce the lag?

Best Answer

Lag caused by high part counts can be reduced by merging parts together with the part welding plugin.