League-of-legends – a good way to determine if you should focus targets in team fights or go for a killing the closest person strat


Your team really needs to be on the same page with stuff like this but when is it the right call to do one or the other?

Best Answer

What's your role?

  • AD/AP carry:

The AD carry or the AP carry, must stay as far as possible from the eye of the storm, if you go in melee range you're probably dead in 2 seconds.

As you can't go too near, try the squishiest nearby target. BUT if your team is protecting you (asthey should), then you can try reach they AD/AP carry. If they have more than one, focus on the "glass cannon" (The one who deals tons of damage, but does not have defense at all). Try to save your Exhaust/Ignite + burst damage for them.

  • Tank:

The tank's responsibility is to protect their carries/attack the enemy carry. When you are chasing your opponent carry, you can be letting your entire team fall. So stay close, at the same time, attack the enemy carries. Again, focus on the "glass cannon".

  • Support

Your task is simple but also vital. You need to mess with the opponent. Polymorph their "glass cannon" so your team can finish him without any deaths. Stun their entire team or just the other support or even their tank. You need to think very carefully and fast. Make life and death decisions. You are there to make your team survive the encounter. Stay as far back as possible, you don't need to attack the opponent, you only need to avoid them to attack you and your team. Buffing, shielding and even healing your team is also your task.

Who should I focus the most?

You should focus the closest target to you the most , UNLESS the opponents have someone that can almost solo your team (aka "glass cannon").

The "glass cannon" usually comes in last, waiting until your team is fully engaged in a 5v4 fight. You must stop attacking the opponent and focus on him as soon as he appears close to you.

So I'll put this order.

  1. Glass Cannon
  2. Support
  3. AP Carry
  4. AD Carry
  5. Off-Tank
  6. Tank

Remember some of these other "rules". This should help your judgment.

  • DO NOT CHASE! Stay with your team
  • Attack the nearby enemy first (Follow the list above THEN follow this rule)

Should I EVER change this order? When should I change it?

Yes you should! You change this order depending on the enemy formation. Sometimes, the support is ruining all your strategies so badly that it is better finish him BEFORE the glass cannon (you'll notice that sometimes, after this, the enemy team just falls apart). Or even go for the AP carry first (killing the Karthus while he is casting his Requiem is a good way to avoid a huge amount of damage to your entire team).

Remember this formula is relative to your condition. If your team has a good CC (e.g. Fiddle + Alistar) you can CC the opponent carry and support and kill the tank first (this is a very, very VERY rare case).

Again, use your judgment in this question.