League-of-legends – a Wombo Combo


I'd like to know what exactly the term 'Wombo Combo' means.

Does it mean something such as using all 5 champion's ultimates at the same time?

Is it a term only used in League of Legends?


So according to this site the origin of the 'Wombo Combo' term comes from Super Smash Bros Melee (amazing game too) to define an "crazy combo".

For LoL does it means instakill everyone?

What are the famous 'Wombo Combo' of LoL?

Best Answer

The origin of the "Wombo Combo" comes from Super Smash Bros Melee, as you stated in the question, and it is defined as two players in the game chain together certain moves to highly damage and/or kill the enemy. The moves compliment each other and thus create a combo.
In League of Legends it means the same, to combine moves (not necessarily a champions ultimate only) to create a very strong "combo" attack with your teammate(s).

What are the famous Wombo Combo of LoL?

They are ever changing and new ones being made, but some examples are:

  • Blitzcrank's Power Fist to knock someone up, followed by Yasuo's Last Breath to deal the damage.
  • Orianna's Command: Shockwave to bring everyone together then Jarvan IV's Cataclysm to keep them there.