League-of-legends – About the passive ability from Lux


Okay, so Lux' passive marks an enemy everytime you hit him with a spell, so you have like 6 seconds to hit him with your AA to "ignite" it, which means you will deal some more magical damage.

Now I played quite some games with Lux and also read some Guides, but I still didn't figure these 2 things out ( because when I engage I just bring down my combo without looking for details ^^ )

  1. Does her passive get "ignited" only by AA or also by her other spells?
  2. Does her Ulti also mark the enemy ?

Best Answer

  1. Lux's passive, Illumination, is ignited both by her auto-attacks and her ultimate, Finales Funkeln.
  2. Yes, Finales Funkeln both ignites any present Illumination debuff on the enemy and applies a new Illumination debuff after resolution.