League-of-legends – Amount of warding


So I was wondering, after watching some LCS games, I normally place anywhere from 28-36 wards in a 45 minute game when I'm support. Should that number be higher? These guys in the pros are placing like 80-90 wards in their games, but since I'm in low ELO (B3), I definitely don't have to place as many as they do. What would be a good amount of wards in say a 45 minute game?

Best Answer

Vision is highly important, no question. But the lower you are, the less important it becomes. From my experience, people in B3 are far too focused on their lanes and do not pay attention to the wards placed around them. I saw a lot of times that the jungler was obviously running past a ward to gank and the laner did not notice it.

Don't make sure that you place ENOUGH wards, placed the correct ones. If you ward all important spots and placed during the game correctly, 28 - 36 wards are completely fine.

Also, you have to remember, LCS is different from SoloQ. On my elo (D2), the players place ~ 50 - 60 wards each game, so well ... kinda embarrassing if you only check the numbers. But the wards are placed at the correct spots and are more than sufficient.