League-of-legends – At which levels does Yasuo get his power spikes


So, every champion has their power spike items and often power spike levels. I recently picked up Yasuo and I'm having a hard time identifying his level power spikes.

I know his item power spikes are at Statikk Shiv and Infinity Edge. SS gives him 60% critical hit chance and reduces his rank 1 Q cooldown to just over 3 seconds. IE after SS gives 100% critical hit chance and increases his critical hit damage in addition to the flat damage spike.

At which levels does Yasuo experience a power spike?

Best Answer

It's somewhat subjective depending on the enemy team and your own team.

Yasuo's first powerspike comes from leveling up his E (which tends to happen at level 2 or 3 depending on who you're facing).

After that Yasuo has a powerspike when he reaches level 6 (due to being able to cast Last Breath).

Depending on his team, he also gets powerspikes when he is with them and they get reduced cooldowns on their own knockups (Malphite's R, Cho' Gath's Q for example)

Finally, Yasuo gets major power spikes at levels 11 and 16 (But at this point item powerspikes are more noticeable) when he can upgrade his ultimate:

COOLDOWN: 80 / 55 / 30

Physical Damage:200 / 300 / 400 (+ 150% bonus AD)

Meaning that each upgrade adds 100 flat damage on top of almost halving the cooldown (or doubling the ammount of times you can use your ultimate)