League-of-legends – Behavior of Flash while “dashing”


I know that I can extend the range of certain dashes with Flash while the animation is running (e.g. Shen Taunt+Flash, Gragas Bodyslam+Flash).

But is this behavior consistent through different types of dashes?

  • Auto-targeted
  • Direction-targeted
  • Ground-targeted
  • Unit-targeted

For Example:

  • Alistars Headbutt
  • Braums Stand Behind Me

So if I "jump" to a target can I use flash to extend the range of the ability or would it simply override the action?

If so, are there certain states of the animation (especially with Alisters Headbutt) I can do this and can I change the direction "mid-air"?

Best Answer

They way flashes work with abilities is they simply move your champion while the animation is playing out. If you flash during the ability's animation, the animation will complete at your end location from flash. If the ability is direction based, it will use the new direction you are facing at the end of your flash (you can ult flash with cass and lux and change directions of the ulti). If the ability is target based, it will still have the same target afterwards (see tristanna ulti), however, if the ability pushes a unit in a direction away from you, you can change the direction by flashing, as it will use your new position to judge which direction they should be pushed (see ult flash with lee or trist, or vayne condemn). If the ability is area targeted however, such as a ziggs q, it will not extend the range. Flash will also negate the damage dealt by lee's q, as will using his w during the dash.