League of Legends – Can a Player Be Reported for Verbal Abuse with Proof Before and After Game?


Can a player be reported for "Verbal abuse" while you are in the lobby before and after the game (champ select and post-game)?

Will Riot employees/system examine pre-game and post-game chat? Can you report a player for verbal abuse outside of a match?

Best Answer

Yes. This was confirmed by Rioters in the Boards after an user posted a query about toxic behaviour in the pre-game chat, to which Riot Tantram replied:

Report it after the game in post-game.

Later another user questioned if the information is recorded:

I've heard rumors that the pre-game lobby isn't even recorded by Riot, so it would pretty hard to report to report anything there.

To which Riot Tantram replied:

I can put that rumor to rest right now.

It's recorded.