League-of-legends – Choosing the right team composition, making decisions


A few days ago I formed a ranked team. We had few matches but they were pretty bad. We have the skills to win but I think that we chose bad team comps and we make bad decisions. How do we improve our team comps? What can we do to improve our decision making?

Example situation: Enemy team swapped top and bot lanes. Our top was 1v2 (vs ADC + SUPP). They out pushed the lane, and we couldn't defend against their push. We were unable to take advantage of our 2 v 1 on bot. After that we lost a few team fights and then the game was over. We can win when we are in laning phase and there are no lane swaps made. However, when team fights start, we just come too late or simply lose the fight. Yes, we win sometimes but if enemy team is stronger, we just lose. After few lost team fights, they just push together and that's it. We try to defend but they're fed and we can't do anything. If we try to push, they just kill us.

So, that's it. Any tips on how to avoid this?

Best Answer

This is humble help from me for newbie ranked players. Remember that I could make a mistake here! I'm not a pro player but I played with such (gold, diamond) and watch hell lot of streams. However I hope it helps!

General e-sport advice

  1. Have fun with imitating a sport team ;) this is crucial!
  2. Record your games and watch them to find what went wrong. Maybe making your own Youtube chanel with your after game commentary will be something interesting & motivating for You as a team.
  3. Find out what kind of communication work for you all the best. You need pings on map? Or better say that enemy is in enemy banana bush next to Baron? I recommend pinging + communicator with push-to-talk.
  4. Decide who will be making calls a.k.a. will be the "Leader". This will help you at teamfights and deciding in crucial situations.
  5. Always decide who will be your focus in teamfights. Red ping on such enemy will make your teamfights better.
  6. Have strategy & tactic before game. Strategy will be pokeing (Nidalee Mid + Jayce Top + Tristana AD Carry + Janna Supp + Cho'Gath Jungle) or late game (Vayne AD Carry + Leona Supp + Irelia Top + Ammumu Jungle + Karthus Mid) team composition. Tactic example - you have Zed and Mordekaiser in team. Decide that Mordekaiser will always try to initiate on AD Carry and after that Zed must use his ulti. Thanks to that you will be 4 vs 6 and will win teamfights.
  7. Remember that losing is a crucial part of learning! Without learning you will never be a good player. You will lose only if you don't learn from your past games.

Specific League advice

  1. Know that objects are often more important that kill.
  2. Have timers on Drake, Baron and Your and Your enemy Buffs.
  3. You must win at least 2 lanes to win a game. Jungler should help lanes where is possibility to get a kill or objective and not babysit lane that are already lost.
  4. If you lost 3 first turets before 20 minutes you will probably loose. This means that you can play more risky.
  5. There is laning phase, group phase and teamfight phase. Laning ends when somebody looses a turret. Group phase ends when there is drake or mid teamfight. Remember that.
  6. Check Lolking stats (focus on win/lose ratio in ranked) to know what champion works with each patch.
  7. Know about latest patch and changes! Often they can really change the game - see League of Warmogs, League of Black Cleavers, League of Blade of Ruined King and League of Draven :D
  8. Know what champion counter what. This should make you help to decide about swaping lanes.
  9. Kill steal don't exist in rankeds. More assists means that there is more global gold. This means that you will win.
  10. Map control a.k.a wards wins games. Know how to and when ward.
  11. Lasthiting is game inside game. How good are you at it?
  12. Read all gameplay guides from LolPro.
  13. Focus playing on few champions this helps you know what you can do with this champion. This doesn't mean you don't know what other champions abilities are!
  14. Picks and bans are crucial to winning. Start from safe picks (AD Carry, Support) or your must-have/OP (IMO Khaxix, Tresh at the moment).
  15. Start picking in this order Support -> AD Carry -> Mid -> Jungler -> Top Lane. Why? The easiest to counter lanes is Top Lane. Jungler can be also very easyly denied from creeps by pick. Interesting fact is that this is all way different pick order than from normals...
  16. Ban what is your crucial champion counter and then ban OP champs.

About your situation

I didn't see match but;

  • How about using wards in your jungle and make a trap near your buff?
  • Let them push and try to make comeback from base with Homeguard boots?
  • Let other lanes win?