League-of-legends – Countering tanks/assassins as a ranged character


I have been playing LoL mostly as ranged (Annie and Heimerdinger), and if the other team happens to stack a couple of tanks/assassins, then I basically get slaughtered if I go after any critical point.

Are there any generic strategies that could be applied to be a credit to team? Many times I will get stunned/snared/frozen and cannot run away, and just get cut to pieces.

Best Answer

Generic strategies:

  • Don't recall in unprotected spaces
  • Don't scout bushes with your face
  • Use Flash (summoner spell) to escape traps
  • Use Cleanse (summoner spell) or Quicksilver Sash (item) to remove CC
  • When running from traps, be aware of allies and plan accordingly
  • Use items that boost Tenacity to reduce the duration of stuns
  • Buy potions/lifesteal to remain at high health. This helps to prevent ganks.
  • Buy wards/use abilities (teemo's mushrooms) to maintain map control
  • Don't overextend. If you don't know what's in the bushes, stay away!
  • When not laning, stick with another hero (but NOT another carry!)
  • Call MIAs. Consider using Skype, Mumble, etc to make this easier and more effective.

  • Annie specific: Always keep your stun up. Use spells to charge it at base, etc.

These are just some rough guidelines that apply to all characters, and are within your control. If you find yourself being the target of an assassin, make sure your team knows it; a good team will anticipate this and assassinate the assassin.