League-of-legends – Dealing with Nasus carries as support


I've been playing a lot of Sejuani support lately. I've found that she does pretty well as a semi-kill lane. It peels well and I usually get my AD Carry pretty fed, especially once we reach level 6. Anyways, one thing I've noticed is she doesn't do well against enemies like Nasus.

Taking into consideration that my top-laner and Jungler usually don't do much to stop him early game, what can I do as support to ease this later?

As Sejuani (or any support really) I try to peel the best I can for my carries but it comes down to two situations.

  • I attempt to peel Nasus off my carries, which results in the enemy carries ripping our team to shreds if we're not ahead as a team.
  • I stun one or more of their carries, which results in our team 'winning' the team-fight up until the end where Nasus tanks everyone and kills all but one or two of our teammates. He's just so tanky.

If I had the gold on Sejuani by mid-game I buy a Liandry's and that helps, however, this is rarely the case. I know most of this relies of communication as a team and such, but is there much I can do other than the already mentioned to aid further?

I try to ward as much as possible however I have found the S4 ward-cap to really hinder the support's role to carry a game. What can I do against a farmed or fed Nasus if the rest of the team fails to do anything or much of anything?

Best Answer

There are a few things you can do to help, but none of them will stop Nasus if he have a good stack on his Q. As you told you need to choose to either start the fights or peel for your carries.

My advice for you (since it appears that starting the fight with Sejuani's ult is always a good start) is to buy Frost Queen Claim. Since with this you can slow Nasus movespeed and allows your carries to try to go to a better position.

Mikael Crucible is also a good choice to cleanse Nasus's W from someone in the fight.

As I told stop him would be impossible but you can make his life a lot harder with these 2 itens and still start a fight.