League-of-legends – Do Spectator Controls work while replaying a LOLReplay file


League Replays is by far the most famous replaying system for League of Legends, it has a nice set of controls like fast forwarding, slow motion and the imbued controls on the spectator mode are far more intuitive to use and more useful in my opinion.

Will a match recorded as a spectator using LOL Recorder enable the very same spectator controls as if on a Live Game when replayed later on?

Best Answer

As of right now when I post this message, LoL Replay does not work with spectator mode. I have messed around with it to see what you can and cannot do with it, and the people who make LoL Replay are working on features that work like spectator mode, like a rewind and possibly a HUD that allows you to view who buys what/gold earned etc. but they have not announced a release date or an ETA as of yet. Just keep your eyes peeled to the site for whats going on :D