League-of-legends – Does Armor/Magic Resist affect percentage damage


Is % based spell damage like Liandry's Torments passive or Amumus Despair (W) affected by Magic Resistance? Same goes with Botrk and armor.

Best Answer

Yes it is !

The % damage in those effects is doing magic damage once calculated, so let's say its 10% magic dmg on 1000hp, then the result will be 100dmg, to which you apply the % of magic resistance so to finish the example let's say 50% magic resist. You apply this 100dmg x 50% MR = 50dmg.

"Enemies in the area will be dealt a percentage of their maximum health plus a base amount as magic damage each second. "

That's amumu Despair skill (the W), as you can see it clearly is magic damage once calculated, so resistance apply to it.

"dealing true damage equal to a flat amount plus a percentage of the target's maximum health"

And that is vayne's W, where it is stated that it is true damage, so no resistance is applied

I just noticed you asked for botrk too, sorry. It will work exactly the same way but with armor as the % from botrk is calculated as physical damage. So once the % is calculated based on target's hp, the % damage reduction from armor will apply. So, botrk is really efficient against high hp, low armor champions, but if they start to build a lot of armor you will need a black cleaver or a last whisper to penetrate armor if you want the effect of botrk to still be important.