League-of-legends – Does Buckshot proc Blackcleaver 3 times


Bucketshot works as increasing damage for each bullet that hit the target, so does it proc Blackcleaver 3 times if all three bullets hit the target?

Might this make Black Cleaver viable on Graves if so?

Best Answer

To start, Black Cleaver is already fairly viable on him. While it's still probably better to build him as a traditional AD Carry, building him as an AD Caster does have its merits.

Buckshot's tooltip states: Shoots three bullets in a cone, each dealing X(+AD) physical damage to all enemies in their path. Enemies hit with multiple bullets take 40% damage from each additional bullet.

Now, this is vague when it comes to your question: does it actually hit multiple times, or is the damage added into one hit?

I entered a custom game, and tested it out, by hitting a minion at point blank range with buckshot. I did about 150 damage, and only one number showed up. As the base damage is 60 and the ratio is 80% bonus, there was no way at level 1 for me to do 150 with a single bullet.

As this attack still only did damage once, it would only apply one stack of Black Cleaver.