League-of-legends – Does Chaos Storm silence 0.5 seconds constantly


As Viktor, if any champion is below the cloud, will it be constantly silenced until the target gets out of the cloud, or it will silence just 0.5 seconds?

I ask this because the duration IMO is really low and therefore almost useless if it's a one-time silence…

Best Answer

When initially cast, Chaos Storm silences enemy champions within its radius for 0.5 seconds. If the storm was cast directly on an enemy champion it will continue to follow that champion and deal damage for its full duration (7 seconds), or can be redirected by pressing (R) again on a new target, but it will not silence any additional targets during that time.

While the short silences may not seem very useful as a method of preventing enemy champions from casting spells, it's very useful for stopping channeled spells such as Katarina's Death Lotus or Galio's Idol of Durand.