League-of-legends – Does ranked premade 5v5 MMR affect your 5v5 normal premade matchmaking


I've wondered if my 5v5 Ranked team MMR affects my 5v5 premade normal matchmaking.

Since soloqueue MMR influences the matchmaking of soloqueue normal games (i'm currently G1 and i always play vs G2 – P3 in normal and ranked games when i'm soloqueue), would it be possible that the team Ranked mmr also affect your normal games if you are 5 premades?

I mean if you are playing with 4 of your friends the enemy team will also have 5 premades. And it would be kinda unfair (although it's almost impossible) if a team that only consists of silver players but has a 5s ranked rating of like plat/diamond plays vs 5 other silver players.

Best Answer


Ranked MMR and normal MMR are definitely not synchronized.

You can see it when mostly any LoL pro (or anyone who improved in rankeds since last normal game) plays normals - they stomp hard, because their normal MMR is much lower than their more accurate assessment of their skill - their ranked MMR. If in such game their enemy team has ranked players, their ranks would reflect that unless they are in similar position (i.e. improved since last normal game) - their ranks would be much lower than that of said pro/high-elo player.

Kinda related: Solo queue MMR does not affect Team MMR in no way way; besides maybe placement matches. There are ways to test this hypothesis in a way - see http://op.gg/ for soloq and ranked team MMR or if you don't trust it's algorithms, just find a team with ranking severely below individual rankings (due to lack of communication etc), which is pretty common in lower divisions (higher up discrepancy is a bit less, by my observations)


  • followed high-elo/pro NA/EUW/KR scene for several years
  • saw effects of this in action as described above
  • was interested in MMR innerworkings myself
  • currently can not find Riot's information regarding this but remember reading it
  • some minimal research shows that it is common knowledge.