League of Legends – Does Shurelya’s Reverie Affect Dead or Decoy Champions?


Here are the different types of pseudo champions I was thinking of:

Dead After Effects:

  • Yorick's Ultimate
  • Kog' Maw's Body after death (from passive)

Duplication Effects:

  • Leblanc's Decoy
  • Shaco's Clone

Are these type of effects boosted by the speed boost from Shurelya's Reverie active ability? What about other activated effects that target champions such as the new Locket of the Iron Solari?

Best Answer

So the awesome GraceNote helped me do some research.

Kog'Maw's passive suicide form is not effected by Ghost or Shurelya's Reverie. However, its speed does ramp up until it explodes into the acidic goo.

Shaco and his hallucinations (and by extension Leblanc's decoy and Yorick's Ghost I believe) do gain the bonus from Shurelya's Reverie.