League-of-legends – Does the amount of games played influence your ELO


I'm really enjoying playing League but can only devote a fraction of the time most other players can. I've got a job, business and family to run and thus am playing around 2-3 maybe 4 matches every other day.

Assuming that I'm not too bad of a player and get the same win/loss ratio's as other average players will I be able to climb the ELO ladder or will I forever be stuck in lower ELO regions because of the number of games I play?

I guess this has to do with ELO decay too so maybe someone could shed a light on this?

Best Answer

It's entirely possible to climb the ladder whilst playing very little. Perhaps 2-3 games a week to prevent decay and to keep your mechanics on par, assuming you win 3/5 of your games, it's feasible to climb the ladder.

Although this is a very small subset, when progamers like chaox, or doublelift smurf, they typically hit 2k elo with about 50 wins. given that their win ratio pre 2k nears 70% it just shows that amount of games played do not necessarily determine if your ability to climb the ladder. It's does help though.