League of Legends – Can You Get Banned for Using League Summoner Information (LSI)?


I have been using LSI for about a week, what this program allows me to do is:

  • Edit what champions I get when I type in the search bar.
  • In game allows me to view all the damage i took from every source.
  • Allows me to open a side window with viewable information to every player's rank, runes, masteries and so forth.
  • Allows me to stop league audio from resetting after a patch. (Thank God for this!)

These are the main features, i was wondering, can i get banned for using this? Because it isn't giving me an unfair gameplay advantage over the enemy team, nor any information i can't obtain from other websites, like lolking.net and such

Best Answer

Here's a great recent thread on the matter that got a Riot Seal of ApprovalTM.

Riot Sargonas (NA) - 5 months ago

Totally fine to use it. We worked with LSI directly to ensure that their features fit within our 3rd party guidelines.

LSI is totally allowed to be used. (for now)