League of Legends – How Pro Players Perform Tiny and Fast Moves During CSing


I can't figure out how they do those insanely quick left to right tiny sidesteps while csing. I know it's for not standing still but I don't know how they do it.

Best Answer

It's the "Wiggle"!

This is a technique used by mid-high elo players for a variety of reasons.

Doing it usually just requires fast klicking and mouse movements around your champion but you also have to know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

So about how they do it: They simply move their mouse back and forth in a straight line while clicking on the end.

Here is a video of LastShadow teaching a mid-elo player (D4) how to do it.

Here are some reasons why the wiggle is used:

  • You keep your APM high and remain in the flow of the game (same reason as to why stutter-stepping is used)
  • You can react with a punish since you usually keep near the edge of the range of a certain ability/champion. One larger step and you can get off an (unexpected) ability.
  • It applies mental pressure on the opponent since it looks like you're planning something.

The last point is important since most players on Diamond or higher will no longer mainly rely on their reaction to avoid abilities but instead they try to anticipate when an ability will be used through reading the opponent.

Reading a constantly wiggling opponent is much more difficult since he constantly looks "aggressive" which can force an unexperienced player into a highly defensive playstyle.