League-of-legends – How does Garen’s Courage interact with “Legendary Armor”


If you look at the champion Garen he has the ability Courage and its passive is: Garen's Armor and Magic Resistance are permanently increased by 20% of bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.

In the defense tree you have the talent Legendary Armor which gives :Increases bonus armor and magic resistance by 5%.

How is this bonus percentage calculated ? Does it count as 25% of bonus armor, first adds bonus 20 % and then bonus 5% or first the 5% bonus and then the 20% bonus?

Best Answer

It appears that the two percentages multiply. When I tested it with 1 thornmail, as well as the mastery, I had 127 bonus armor. This is a 27% increase, not just 25%. Again, with two thornmails I had 254 bonus armor, for a 27% increase.

Strangely, 120% * 105% (1.2 * 1.05) only adds up to 126%, or a 26 percent increase. I'm still not sure where that extra 1% came from.