League-of-legends – How long does it take to charge Thresh’s Flay


Thresh's Flay (E) has a usefull passive:

Thresh's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on each hit. This value is equal to the total number of Souls collected, plus a percentage of his attack damage based on the amount of time since his last attack.

When does the charging start?

How long does it take the passive to be fully charged?

Does the charging scale with the attackspeed? (more AS = less chargetime?)

Best Answer

The Recharging starts roughly 0.5 seconds after your last triggering of the passive and it takes 10 seconds to reach its full damage. This charging time cannot be reduced by any stat.

Every hit will deal your amount of souls as bonus damage (regardless of charge time).

After 5 seconds you will deal half the bonus damage you'd deal at max charge + your souls and after 10 seconds you will deal the bonus damage that's displayed on the tooltip.

Note that Attacks against structures and wards will not reset your counter since it's not triggering the passive.

The bonus damage scales off your Total AD and your collected souls and it's a magic-damage on-hit effect which means that it will not benefit from spellvamp or lifesteal.