League-of-legends – How should I practice close-quarters fighting with Rengar


I bought Rengar recently and have noticed a bad habit of mine: When I get out of my ultimate, I get into this clicking frenzy and just start stuttering and not actually attacking.

How can I practice keeping calm, and reducing this 'click frenzy' or find a different way of attacking? I'm so used to having a space between me and an enemy champion, I loose track when I'm up close.

Best Answer

I had this problem while starting Rengar and found a few things I did over time helped.

Step 1: Practice combos on bots.
To clarify, I do 3 things with Rengar. I check his bar to see if the next skill queue/combo will proc ferocity, I check to see if the trade is worth(review their items and mine) and lastly I figure out what kind of trade I want it to be. This ranges from starting e(to catch them) or using the bushes to grab on them and chase them while they're slowed with e.
Step 2: Keeping track of your ferocity.
One of the best ways to avoid losing track to keep an eye on your ferocity. I use a counter after the 3rd stack unless the fight is drawn out.
Step 3: Turn off auto attack.
Turning off auto attack in the menu options can be really helpful. The feature can cause some error or difficulty with certain champions and as a result, it's better to practice without it to gain a better understanding of your champion.
Step 4: Auto-attack canceling.
Your skills can be used in coordination with autoattacks to maximize your damage and minimize the time you need to perform a trade. Practicing this can be very easy on waves and cs.
Step 5: Watch streams/LCS.
This has been critically important in my development as a Rengar player. When watching the streams, pay attention to the slight choices that players make. Their builds can be very situational but the casters tend to explain anything out of the meta to the audience. I'd advise these over youtube videos as most of the videos are outdated. (Ex. Build brutalizer into black cleaver instead of what is currently live; phage into black cleaver)

Rengar is a very easy champion to start with, but he's very hard to get good with.

On another note, that anxiety you get when using his ultimate can be approached 2 different ways. You can harness it and learn to focus during the stress to perform better under stress, or you can learn to calm down when using it. To relax myself when using Rengar's ult, I assure myself that it'll be back off cooldown especially when I build tons of CDR on Rengar.

That stress you can get can be very useful as it keeps you aware and alert, utilizing it can be thrilling and rewarding.