League-of-legends – How should normal ‘pro’ strategies be modified for lower-level games


In a pro game, typically lanes are simply farming passively for at least the first few levels, but at my lower bracket, this usually doesn't happen. I had been using pro guides, based on that style of play, and hadn't been having much luck against the very aggressive lane opponents. Typically, I found my games being decided by deaths in lane within the first ten minutes, and I was usually losing those ten minutes.

In the last few days I've started running much more aggressive, front-loaded builds and rune setups, and immediately went from a roughly 60-40 win ratio to 80-20 for the next twenty games. My question, then, is what other ways can I adapt my play at low ratings as opposed to pro-level strategies to win those lower level games? Presumably the meta is the meta for a reason, so how can I punish my opponents for using different strategies?

Best Answer

You cant "punish" a team that uses a different strategy just because its "different" Any strategy can work well if executed perfectly.

At low ELO there is a few things that are forgoten/not done.

  • Low ELO players seem to forget about objectives like dragon, buffs, and baron.

  • More focused on kills(greedy) rather than farm, this can make them be over-confident and make mistakes which can lead to them being out of position which you can take advantage of.

  • Lack of focus in team fights and bad positioning

  • No/lack of warding on the map.

Also if a team is choosing a comp that you have not seen before, look at the champs that are being used, do they excel at; Pushing towers? Strong early game or late? AOE based or single targeted? Anti-carry? etc etc.

It all lies down to you and your team, pick up on mistakes, see weakness's and abuse it.